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WRWMG Hosts Emerald Ash Borer Workshop
Friday, March 10, 2023
The SCMUA – WRWMG hosted an Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Virtual Training Workshop as part of a new series of community outreach programs funded by its existing Paulins Kill Lakes Initiative grant from the NJDEP. The workshop taught interested residents about EAB (via a live presentation from an entomologist at the NJ Department of Agriculture).
Participants learned about the detrimental impact EAB is having on ash tree canopy cover and the resultant increase in polluted stormwater runoff that is entering Paulins Kill lake communities. The other part of the workshop was to raise awareness about the SCMUA – WRWMG’s new Ash Tree Replacement Program (funded by NJDEP) which provides native balled and burlapped replacement trees to homeowners who have paid to have EAB-infested ash trees removed. The program intends to replace the tree canopy that was lost and restore the stormwater management benefits provided by the removed trees. A total of 30 people attended the workshop, representing 6 different lakes from the Paulins Kill Watershed.