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AmeriCorps Watershed Ambassador Organizes Litter Clean-Up at Pine Street Park
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
Rachel Posavetz, the AmeriCorps NJ Watershed Ambassador in the WRWMG’s office, recently organized a litter clean-up with 6th and 7th grade students from Halsted Street Middle School in Newton. 110 students helped remove 12 bags of garbage and 10 bags of recycling from the park and the nearby forested trails using gloves and garbage bags provided by Sussex County Clean Communities. As part of the event, 3 AmeriCorps Watershed Ambassadors and the WRWMG’s Watershed Education and Outreach Specialist led a rotation of different stations to educate the students about the purpose of conducting habitat assessments, the importance of macroinvertebrates for determining water quality, and the ways that people cause pollution to enter local waterways. All of the students left the event energized about helping to clean up a park in their hometown and even asked their teachers if they could participate in a litter clean-up every Friday.